martes, 17 de enero de 2023

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme


As a visual arts student, I consider that the current state of the infrastructure of the university should be improved, for health standards to teachers and students. Moreover, the phycological insurance to the students could be more present and accessible to help a lot of students that are tormented by the workload of every subject. Furthermore, I am very comfortable with how my study program works, but I would like more variety in the subjects; More specific technics like Watercolors or Comics, subjects more focused on illustration matters. In short, I am at ease with my career, the things I would like to improve would be more on health insurance matters and more variety of subjects, beyond that, the career accomplishes very good his goals.

Posted at 18:50pm of 17/01/2023. 

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

POST 4: Time Travel to the Future


If I could time travel to the future, I would like to be in a place where the humans were no more, in any shape or form, alive. The quietness of all places would be pacific, I know, but it would be a silent war in nature between the fauna and flora to conquer back what was taken from them. I, as a human, can't define what year should be necessary for this to happen... ¿I would guess years 3000 or 4000?

I would like to stay in that time, but only if the industrial factories and active systems of mankind were shut down decades ago. That's because I would not survive if a cloud of radioactivity comes free from a radioactive plant and, besides me, kill a bunch of free animals. I would like to walk across the death of the human evolution, and appreciate how nature devours what humans once saw with such value and meaning to their lives.

Sadly, I don't feel more valuable or superior to other humans, so I would think that I will not deserve that kind of selfish opportunity.

martes, 10 de enero de 2023

Post 3: My Dream Job

I think the most accurate job that can be designated as my dream, would be as a Lighthouse Keeper. Although I am actually studying to become an Artist, because it is the passion that I actually have, to be a Lighthouse Keeper, specially one in charge of a lone, far from land lighthouse that I could live my daily routine there, would satisfy every personal need of my mind. Of course, I would need skills in technics that I currently don't have, like knowledge of sea matters, navigation, weather analysis and much more. I sincerely wouldn't care for the salary as long as I can live there. Personally, I also don't have any knowledge on what major I should take to become a Lighthouse Keeper, but the far idea of being, day by day, in solitude, doing a hard but repetitive work maintaining the Lighthouse, the light, and guiding nearby ships, besides maintaining my house from the stormy weather that may affect that island, that life on a daily basis, would be the perfect place for me to be, not so much for the job, but the days ahead.

Posted at 18:35pm of 10/01/23

viernes, 6 de enero de 2023

POST 2: The Best Concert


It was the year 2015, when the Art-rock, Avant-garde cult band called The Residents came to Chile, specifically to the Nescafé Theatre of the Arts, in a way to celebrate the 40s Anniversary of the band, they tour all around the world. The Residents have been one of my favorites bands since I started listening to experimental music in my childhood. They have been playing since the decade of the 60s, what can only be entitled like absurd, abstract and oneiric like compositions. Since his beginnings, from literally not knowing how to play instruments, to his actual performances, where wonderful stories and profound concepts are developed through the sounds, they have been a remarkable influence on my thoughts, art and life. And when I received the news of their visit, ¡I couldn't control my happiness! It was a one-life experience, so I gathered some friends that knew and loved the band thanks to me, and went to have one of my personal favorite experience in life inside the world of arts. I know they are probably not coming back, because of the oldness of the members, but I am happy to say that I could see such an iconic band that influenced so many great musicians from the past century.

Here's a picture from the concert, featuring "Randy", main singer of The Residents.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2023

POST 1: A country I would like to visit

The Chilean south (Any region, not one in particular) it's a place I would like to go sometime in my life. Not only because of the enchanting forests, the stunning mountain range and, in general, the precious landscapes, but because that it is in those landscapes I could perfectly be myself. Obviously, it would be a dream to live and work on my arts there, the places and the people would influence me every single day. I personally don't know much about those places, but it is just wonderful to me that, having many people wishing to go another places, like the calm Scandinavian forests or good-looking Spanish beaches, here in our own country we have perfect places to go and stay like the south part or even north. To me in specific, the south suits perfect because I am a solitary and reserved person, that prefers to appreciate more the country in which I was born.