jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

POST 4: Time Travel to the Future


If I could time travel to the future, I would like to be in a place where the humans were no more, in any shape or form, alive. The quietness of all places would be pacific, I know, but it would be a silent war in nature between the fauna and flora to conquer back what was taken from them. I, as a human, can't define what year should be necessary for this to happen... ¿I would guess years 3000 or 4000?

I would like to stay in that time, but only if the industrial factories and active systems of mankind were shut down decades ago. That's because I would not survive if a cloud of radioactivity comes free from a radioactive plant and, besides me, kill a bunch of free animals. I would like to walk across the death of the human evolution, and appreciate how nature devours what humans once saw with such value and meaning to their lives.

Sadly, I don't feel more valuable or superior to other humans, so I would think that I will not deserve that kind of selfish opportunity.

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